To be Inspired...
Inspiration is an amazing driving force in life. I am inspired numerous times in a day. And more often than not, I do not have my big 'ol camera with me, but my trusty iPhone. While this particular page may not represent my "best" work, it's purpose is just as important. It is what inspires me. What drives me to create the art that I do with my camera. Everywhere I go, I am constantly finding beauty - sometimes in places that no one else would ever look. The smallest thing can take my breath away. My biggest journey in life, has been to find my 'Blue Bird of Happiness'. We spend so much of our time, searching for what makes us happy. It wasn't until recently that I finally began looking in the right place. Within myself. When we are born, a seed is planted within us all. As we grow older, often times that seed is buried beneath many layers and barriers of "life". While life is most definitely beautiful, it isn't always easy. It can be down right hard. Our seed of happiness becomes encased in self doubt, insecurities, judgement, pain. All of which prevent it from growing...flourishing. It is not until we are able to look within ourselves, instead of away, and start to love who we are, what we are - that we can truly start to break down the barriers and let our true self grow. Find the beauty within and you will finally see your Blue Bird of Happiness. |